Sunday, October 23, 2011


We entered Arizona on Wednesday, October 19, around 3:30.  It was warm and sunny.  We stopped at the Welcome Center at the border to walk the dogs and look around.  Two of the pictures on the Nevada post, the wall painting of the horse and the one of the statues on the cliff, were taken just before the Arizona border.
Buddy & Scrounge Join Me at the Welcome Sign

We are nearing the end of our trip.  One more night on the road and then one long day tomorrow and we will be at our destination, Modesto.  At the rest stop, they had a natural area with a sign to stay out of the area as there were poisonous snakes and critters.  You didn’t have to tell me twice to stay away.  I am not a snake fan, let alone the fan of a poisonous snake!

Back in the car we continued our journey west.  The Eastern Arizona landscape is much like New Mexico – brown, rocky, sandy, dry, gullies, canyons and mountains.   The further west you travel, you actually see trees, greenery, and it looks much like North Carolina especially around Williams, Arizona where we spent the night.  Our family visited Arizona in 1994 while traveling from California to Maryland.  At that time, we stayed at the Williams KOA Campground.  This time we stayed at the Days Inn. 

United States at Night - Artificial Light

Ever take a minute to look up at the sky at night and see the stars.  They look small and sometimes you have to look real close to see them.  Most of them look like little tiny lights.  Well in the Southwest, when you look up the sky at night, the stars are big and bright and they look like they are right in your face.  Do you know what the difference is between the two locations?  Artificial light (not sun light).  The east coast is far more populated than the Southwest.  There are more people, larger cities, and cities are closer together.  Where we live, the artificial light obscures or hides the stars.  As you move west, the population thins out and the cities become more spread apart, thus reducing the amount of artificial light.  Take a look at the sky one night!  What do you see?   If you look at the picture of the United States, you will see there is more light on the east coast where we live, than in the Southwest where Arizona, New Mexico and Texas are located.

Williams is a small, scenic town.  Its claim to fame is its proximity to the Grand Canyon and the historic Grand Canyon Railway.  This train is made of renovated Pullman cars from the early 1920s.  The train ride to the canyon takes a little over two hours and you are provided entertainment to and from the canyon.  When we rode the train in 1994, we were entertained by musicians dressed as if from the1900s.  On the return trip, we were treated to a train robbery.  Actors, dressed as 1800’s robbers with handkerchiefs over their nose and mouths, road up on horses, boarded the train and demanded the train stop.  They pretended to rob the passengers of their possessions (anything they took, they returned before they got off the train).   Everyone thought it was great and very entertaining!  No one was hurt and nothing was ever taken.  Train robberies were very common in the early days of the railroad.  

We departed Williams at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 20.  The temperature was in the 60s as we headed out.  By mid-day, it 89. 

The scenery in Arizona is again spectacular – flat to mountainous, barren to green.  One of the things that jumped out as me as we drove along the barren highway was a yellow tree.  I do not know want kind of tree this was, but it was bright yellow and stood out against the brown landscape.  It reminded me of a maple tree turning colors in the fall.    Around Williams, AZ it is very green and there are lots of pine trees.  According to the Arizona State Parks website, “The City of Williams is located in the largest stand of Ponderosa pine trees in the world, at an elevation of 6700 feet above sea level.”  Middleburg’s sea level elevation is 470 feet.

Golf Ball House
In the southwest you travel for miles and do not see houses or towns or people.  It is very desolate!  With no one around, it is strange to see such large manufacturing or processing plants and power plants or even odd shaped houses.  How would you like to live in a golf ball?

Cholla Coal-fired Power Plant
The Cholla Power Plant in Joseph City, Arizona is the perfect example of a huge plant in what I call the “middle of nowhere.”   The Cholla plant is a major coal-fired power plant.  The coal that is used in this plant comes from the McKinley Mine in the neighbor state of New Mexico.

Griffith Energy Center

Another power plant seemingly in the middle of nowhere is the Griffith Energy Center near Kingman, Arizona.  According to information found on the Summit Power Equipment LLC website, this facility “is a natural gas-fired combined cycle site.”  Now having said that, what does that mean?  I had to go do some more research.  Wikipedia tells us “that the exhaust of one heat engine is used as the heat source for another, thus extracting more useful energy from the heat, increasing the system's overall efficiency.”  In the case of the Griffith Energy Center they are using gas and steam.  The cooling towers at the plant remind you of the towers at a nuclear power plant.  How many cooling towers are located at this plant?

Another research assignment --- as we approach the borders of Arizona and California, another major river divides the two states.  Look at a map and find the name of the river.  Also, research the river to find out how long it is and identify the states through which it flows.

We are now at the California border and still have about 9-10 hours of driving time; however, I will stop here for now and prepare a new post about California.  I will meet you on the bridge of that river (the one you need to identify) that divides Arizona and California.  California is a big state and there is lots to tell you‼ 

See you later.


Anonymous said...

Myieshia Durham-5th grade
That golf ball house look fun did you go inside the golf ball house?
are you having fun there because is look fun there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See you soon Mrs. Solomon When are you coming back? Eoyoung is not the same with out you!

Anonymous said...

Chris Towler 5th Did the cowboys really have a gun while riding the horse?And did you go in the gulfhouse to see how it looked inside

Anonymous said...

Giselle Escamilla -5th grade
Did you talk to the cowboys?
Did you have fun carving pumpkins?
Did you go close to the golf ball?
Do you have fun with scrounge and buddy at the welcome sign

Anonymous said...

jacqueline- contreras-5grade

would you like to live in a golf house?did you get scared when you got on the train and got robbed

Anonymous said...

Destinee Bullock 5th were you scared when they had a gun on the train?did you like the gulfhouse?

Anonymous said...

Did you have fun i hope you did

Anonymous said...

are you there yet

Anonymous said...

Taylor Henrich -5th grade

did you go in the golf ball house?
did your nease have her baby yet?
is the baby a girl or a boy?
did you talk to the cowboys?
it looks like your having fun so far the fifth grade misses you hope you come back soon how are your dogs doing are they enjoying the trip so far how big is the cat

Anonymous said...

did you see the grand canyon

Anonymous said...

bryan rivera 5-grade

I like the gulf house.

Anonymous said...

Christopher Bullock How big was the golf ball house and what did it look like in the houes and how long is the bring

Anonymous said...

how big was that golf ball?
I found out the Colorado river is what divides Arizona and California.How big is your cat.
How big is the cholla coal-fired power plant?

Anonymous said...

Roquon-5 did you talk to the cowboy did you go to the golfball is the baby is a girl or a boy

Anonymous said...

did you have fun

Anonymous said...

chelsea galindo -5th -What have you been doing jthis week did you have fun or did you just sit at wearever you are staying at? I hope you come back soon we all miss you. when you come back can you bring some stuff back when you come back like some stuff we can look at but not have like stuff you have picked up on the way there .Ihope you come back soon i love you .

Anonymous said...

Daiyana 5th grade-who will live in a golf ball house? Was the fish born with his or her tail like that? Does your niece Jamie cat Junior and oscar get along with Buddy and Scrounge? Do they play fight alot or they love each other?

Anonymous said...

Heyy?????? what u doing i miss you did you go inside of the golf ball house did you have fun carving a pumpiken i want you to come back my dad live down there i sorry what is wrong with the fish how munch do the cat and fish weigh how long you staying down there did you talk to the cowboys is there are really gun was they going hauting i love the horses what is your niece having if you have a girl i going to buy her lots of stuff eoyoung is not fun without you . You cant help use on our math and teach use different walking dogws is so munch fun and i got to go Bye!!!!!!!!!! miss you and be safe up there and safe coming back i cant wait until she have the baby bye!!!!!!!!!

Whitney Clair said...

These are the questions asked during Mrs. Harris 2nd Grade class:
1. Are you having fun?
2. How many states are you going to visit on your trip?
3. Has the time change made you tired?
4. What's the weather like in California?
5. Did you go inside the golf ball shaped house?

Whitney Clair said...

The questions below are from Bowens 3rd grade class:
1. What does the Grandon Canyon look like?
2. How is the weather in CA different from NC?
3. How many real cowboys have you seen on your trip?
4. What was inside the golf ball shaped house?
5. We used Google to find the river that seperates Arizona and California, The Colorado River. Which river was wider, Colorado or Mississippi?

CA-Bound said...

To Mrs. Harris' class --- Great questions.

We are having fun on our trip. It is nice to have the chance to visit with my niece and nephew. We don't get to see them very often because California is so far away from NC. We are heading to the movies this evening to see "Courageous."

We have visited eight states so far - NC, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. I don't know if we are taking the same route back or a different route. If different, we will visit more states.

Yes, the time change did make us tired. I looked at Mr. Bruce last night at 7:30 and said, "It feels like 10:30." I was already getting sleeply.

The weather in California has been great so far. It has been sunny everyday, temperatures in the 80s, and the nights have been in the low 60s with a gentle breeze. Tomorrow, the temperatures will begin to be in the 70s. Still warm and comfortable.

No we did not go into the golf ball house. Someone actually lives in the house and it is not open to the public or visitors. I thought it was fun to look at though and very different.

Hope you have a good week in school. Keep your questions coming and I will do my best to try and answer them.

CA-Bound said...

Hello Mrs. Bowen and Students.

I hope your school week got off to a great start today. It was good to get your questions, and I do my best to answer them clearly.

The Grand Canyon is beautiful. Do you know what a canyon is? It is a large ravine or gully. The Grand Canyon is a huge ravine, running 277 miles long, approximately 18 miles wide and sometimes a mile deep. The distance of the canyon would be like driving from Middleburg to Ashville, NC or Middleburg to Baltimore, MD where I used to live. The canyon is very rocky and steep and the Colorado River runs through the canyon.

At times the weather in California is very much like the weather in NC. Sunny and hot. Generally, the summer is a little cooler than ours and they humidity is less. The big difference though is that California gets less rain than NC and the winters in CA are warmer than our winters.

We were not able to go into the golf ball house, so i have no idea what was inside. Since it was someone's real home, then I believe they had bedrooms, bathrooms, a kitchen and living areas just like we have in our houses.
We only saw one real cowboy and that was in Arizona. He was herding a small head of cows. The cowboys in the pictures are actors or pretend cowboys.

Great work on finding the name of the river that separates Arizona and California. The Mississippi River was wider. It ranges in width from 2 miles to 7 miles wide. The Colorado River is anywhere from 200 - 1200 feet in width. No where close to the width of the Mississippi.

Have a great week in school. I look forward to hearing from you again. Take care and good luck on those benchmark tests!