Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pokes and Posts - Answers to Your Questions

I have had repeat questions, so I think I'm going to do things a little different with regard to your questions.  I will provide my responses to your inquiries in a post entitled "Pokes and Posts".  So, look here to read the answers.  If this doesn't work well, we will try something different.

Congratulations to Dillon, M'Smrya, and Kyree for researching the question what river separates Arizona and California.  Their answer --- the Colorado River.  You are all correct.  Good work!

The Golf Ball House to Daiyana, Myiesha, Roquon, Jacqueline, Kyree, Giselle, Chris, Taylor, Destinee, Bryan --- The Golf Ball House is private property and is not open to the public.  So no, I did not go in the house.  I found some information on the Internet about the house.  "It has three levels and measures 40 feet in diameter.  Lake Havasu Estates built it in 1976 as a restaurant and cocktail lounge for a land developer. The company went bankrupt, however, and the sphere now serves as a private home. The owner has added aliens walking up the ramp and space ships. [Linda, 05/31/2005]"   It is just an odd figure on the highway in Yucca, AZ.  Something different!

The Pets to Daiyana and Kyree --- Oscar's tail has not always been crooked.  In the last year it has grown that way and more than likely is disease related.  Since the fish has swim bladder disease, it could be related to this.  Doesn't seem to stop Oscar from moving around in the tank. 

The dogs and Junior the cat, still have not officially met.  Junior is making more trips out of the bedroom, but generally when the dogs are outside.  Buddy did meet Junior the other night and Junior must have swiped her paw and claws at Buddy because he yelped and went running.  We are still concerned about Scrounge meeting Junior since Scrounge has never been around cats.  He will have a gradual introduction to the cat.   Junior is about 10 pounds and fluffy.  Her long hair might makes her look heavier.

The Cowboys and the Railroad to Roquon, Giselle, Tar'Naja, Destinee, Chris and Jacqueline --- First off, READ CAREFULLY, there WAS NO ROBBERY!  These are actors pretending, just like on TV or the movies.  So there was nothing to be scared of on the train when they came aboard.  Everyone had been told in advance that there would be entertainment.  These actors carried props or objects to help make the event look more real.  There were no weapons.

We did have a chance to talk with the cowboys on the train and at the train depot.  They have fun entertaining the crowds. 

The Cholla and Griffith Power Facilities to Kyree -  Both of these plants are quite large physically.  The structures are spread across several acres and the buildings and towers are very tall.  While we can find out how much power they produce, I do not know how many communities or houses the plants support with electricity. 

General Questions to Chelsea, Giselle, Brooke, Shania, Lidia, and Demarius --- We are enjoying our visit with my family.  Mr. Bruce and I are staying with my niece, Jamie, and Ms. Virginia and Mr. Tibby (my brother-in-law) spend the night at my nephew's, TJ's, and then come over to Jamie's for the day. 

Jamie is expecting a baby girl any day now.  We are still on baby watch, hoping that perhaps tomorrow she will be born!

Who Carved Which Pumpkin?

We enjoyed carving the pumpkins.  Unfortunately, because it has been hot during the day, the pumpkins are already starting to mold.  We might have to buy more and carve them!  I've attached the pictures of the pumpkins.  Can you guess which pumpkin is mine, which is Jamie's, and which is Wil's? 

I think this answers most of your questions today.  Hope your benchmark tests are going well.  Signing off for the night.


Anonymous said...

javonte waverly - 3rd bowen
i like your sad pumpkin

Anonymous said...

xiaver jones/3rd bowen
how do u make pumpkin like that?

Anonymous said...

ahbria bradley - 3rd bowen
Whats your favorite thing you have seen in california?

Anonymous said...

jaquaveon - 3rd bowen
did you see animals in the desert?

Anonymous said...

jaquaveon 3rd bowen
is CA cool or not cool

Anonymous said...

javonte - 3rd bowen
when you went though the desert what animals did you see

Anonymous said...

alyssiahenderson -3rd grade
i like that pumpkins can you send me a pumpkins i miss you.can it be funny and cool.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Alexis Mims - 3rd Grade
Whats your favorite thing since you got to CA?

Anonymous said...

CHRIS TOWLER 5TH Iam loveing the pumkins faces