Monday, November 14, 2011


East of Modesto about two hours driving time, you enter the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range.  Located in the Eastern part of California and the western part of Nevada, the mountains lay claim to two California attractions – Yosemite National Park and Lake Tahoe.

Due east of Modesto is Yosemite National Park.  A federal or national park, it is home to waterfalls, pristine creeks and rivers, granite rock formations and cliffs, and the famous giant sequoias or redwoods groves.  It is a famous place for campers, hikers and rock climbers who love the outdoors and the beauty of the park.  It is inhabited by a variety of birds and animals; one always needs to be on the lookout for bears.

The park’s famous granite cliff, El Capitan, is a favorite of rock climbers world-wide.  A sheer rock formation that rises about 3,000 from the valley floor to the top, it is a challenge for even the best climbers.  Most climb with tools such as ropes, carabiners, helmets, harnesses and more; and then there are those who have conquered the climb by free climbing or using minimal tools.  I’ve tried to find a picture that shows the steepness of El Capitan.  It is straight-up!

The giant sequoias or redwood trees also call the park home.  One of the largest trees in the world, the redwood grows to an average height of 160-280 feet tall and 20-26 feet in diameter.  They range in age from hundreds to thousands of years old and carry names such as The Grizzly Giant, the California Tunnel Tree (opening large enough to drive a car through it), or the Telescope Tree. 

This picture from the Extranomical Tours site gives you an appreciation for how tall the redwood tree is compared to a human.

Leaving Yosemite and driving north four to five hours, you come to Lake Tahoe.  The lake area is a grand resort offering activities for all seasons.  In the late fall and winter, people come for the skiing, snowmobiling, snowboarding, ice skating and more. In the spring and summer, they come for mountain climbing, hiking, camping and swimming at the lake.

We live near two lakes, Kerr Lake and Lake Gaston with the closest being Kerr Lake.  Let’s do a comparison between Lake Tahoe and Kerr Lake and see what we find.

Length of Lake
22 miles
45 miles from Nutbush Buoy to Clarksville
Width of Lake
12 miles
Can see shore-to-shore
Depth of Lake
1,645 ft
Average 30 ft; at dam 100 ft
Surface Elevation
6,225 ft
300-320 ft
72 miles
850 miles
Trees and flatland
California & Nevada
North Carolina & Virginia

One of the most interesting facts I learned about Lake Tahoe -  “If you were to pour Lake Tahoe out onto an area the size of California, the water would still be 14 inches (36 cm) deep.”  To discover more ineresting facts, visit

That ends our California road trip.  We will be begin our trip home on Wednesday morning, November 16th.  I will write from the road, as we are planning to take a different route back. 

See you on the highway!


Anonymous said...

Myieshia Durham-5th grade
did you climb the cliff?

Anonymous said...

Giselle.Escamilla -5th Grade
Did You go on top of the granite cliff?

Anonymous said...

Chris Towler 5th iF A bear was coming what would u have done.Would u tryed to run or shake it up.

Anonymous said...

Chris Towler 5th If you and your family walked more than 5miles you have lost some pounds.

Anonymous said...

Destinee 5th-grade.Is Lake Tahoe really that big?

Anonymous said...

Chris bullock 5grade did you go back to the hunt house and stay all night or did you go some where i want to know what it feels like in the houes

Anonymous said...

Chris bullock 5 grad how big was that rock that you saw did it have a cave in side of it did you run in to a bare or a deer in there tell me how it look in side is it dark or does it have a lighte inside of it

Anonymous said...

chelsea-5thgrade did it look pretty when you went to the mountins. did you have fun when you went,or did you just took picturs of the house.

Anonymous said...

Roquon 5th Did you go up the Granite Cliff

Anonymous said...

xiaver jones cool caves

Anonymous said...

shawn. did you climb the cliff

Anonymous said...

xiaver jones thank you for traveling

Anonymous said...

Kaleb.Thank you ms.Salaman.Those picture's you sended us were very butiful.Tank you for everything you done.

Anonymous said...

wow it is big

Anonymous said...

Georgene , Dear Mrs.Solomon,Thank you for making this folder for us . I really liked it

Anonymous said...

Allie Pulley 4th Grade,
I have really missed you while you were traveling. I hope you had a great time on your trip!It looks fun!!!