Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Hello 5th graders.  My email box was again full with your comments and questions.  Most of you are remembering to sign your name, some of you are forgetting.  So, please do not feel slighted if your name does not appear in the TO line of my response. 

So, this post goes back to:  Destinee, Lidia, Jacqueline, Robert, Brittany, Tar'Naja, Daevon, Demarius and several "Anonymous". 
First, the Baby:  Thank you for all your very nice comments about the baby.  I shared them with Jamie and Wil, Sydney's mom and dad.  Some of you asked if Sydney was a boy or a girl; Sydney is a girl!! She is our little princess.  Sydney came home from the hospital yesterday, arriving here around 12:00.  She immediately commanded attention from everyone including the dogs.  Scrounge and Buddy have taken a great interest in her, Scrounge especially.  Everytime Sydney cries, or someone gets up and walks around with her, Scrounge is right at your feet.  Even in the middle of the night, Scrounge was found outside the bedroom door.  He is going to be her protector in years to come! 

Scrounge and Buddy Stand Watch
Above:  Grandpa Tib with Sydney
Right:  Uncle TJ, with Sydney

Binkey, the Cat:  Many of you have enjoyed all the animal pictures.  I think the one that has drawn the most laughter and discussion has certainly been Binkey drinking at the toilet.  That's a cat for you, they will investigate just about anything.

Orchard Elementary:  Several of you commented on the school and its technology.  Perhaps some day, Vance County Schools will be able to provide laptops for in-school use for the 5th graders.  That would be exciting.  A couple of you made a very nice comment about the school and the work of the principal at Orchard.  I passed your comment on this morning to the secretary and principal.  They thought it was very sweet of you.  If any of you are interested in becoming a penpal with a student at Orchard Elementary, let me know when I return.

Supermarket Scramble:  Hats off to Robert!  He is determined to be one of the four winners of the Supermarket Scramble.  I hope some of you well take the challenge and join Robert in this activity. 

Well, its time for dinner and I need to finish with the preparations.  Toodles!


Anonymous said...

bryan rivera 5th

Binkey was funny when the cat drank out the toilet.It made me bust out laughing.

Anonymous said...

Alexis Mims 3rd-Grade Mrs.Bowen
Have you seen some fog before.

Anonymous said...