We have traveled through eight states:  North Carolina, Tenneessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.  Use the link, 50 STATES, on the home page to discover this information.

1.  Find the population of each state. 
2.  Which state has the most people?
3.  Which state has the fewest people?
4.  What is the difference in population between the state with the most people and the state with the fewest people?
5.  What is the combined population of all eight states?

1.  Identify the capital, the state flower, the state bird and the nickname of California.
2.  What are the major cities in California?
3.  What year did California become a state?
4.  What percentage of the fruits and vegetables for the U.S. are grown in California?
5.  Name two kinds of power found in California.

October 21-23
1.  Identify the capital, the state flower, the state bird and the nickname of Arizona.
2.  What are the major cities in Arizona?
3.  What year did Arizona become a state?
4.  What is Arizona's main tourist attraction?
5.  What river separates Arizona from California? 
6.  How long is that river?
7.  Through what states does the river flow?

October 20
Texas is known for it's ranches.  Visit the XIT Ranch to discover ---
1.  How many miles of fencing are on the XIT property?
2.  How many windmills and dams were built on the property?
3.  How many calves were branded each year?
4.  How many cows were driven annually to the northern pastures for grazing in preparation for the Chicago meat markets?
5.  What is the largest ranch in Texas today and how many acres does the ranch cover?
6.  What is the name given to this area of the country (Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, etc.) where tornadoes often occur?

October 19:
1.  Identify the capital, the state flower, the state bird and the nickname of Texas and New Mexico.
2.  What are the major cities in Texas and New Mexico?
3.  What year did they become states?
4.  How many Indian tribes live in Texas and New Mexico?

October 18:
Memphis is well known for a number of things in the food, health care and entertainment industries. 
1.  What famous rock and roll singer called Memphis home? 
2.  What was the name of this famous person’s homestead or mansion? 
3.  In the food category, what is the famous food one can order all over Memphis?  North Carolina has its own version of this food. 
4.  What is the name of the famous children's hospital? 
5.  Who was the founder of the hospital? 
6.  What was the founder's occupation and why did he start the hospital? 
7.  What is the nickname for the city of Memphis?

1.  Identify the capital, the state flower, the state bird and the nickname of Arkansas and Oklahoma.
2.  Do the cities of Little Rock and Ft. Smith, Arkansas have nicknames; if so, what are they?
3.  Does the city of Oklahoma city have a nickname; if so, what is it.
4.  Is there a major river flowing between these two states?  If so, what is its name?
5.  What is a razorback?

October 17:
First stop on Day 1 is in the state of Tennessee. 
1.  Identify the capital, the state flower, the state bird and the nickname of Tennessee.
2.  What is Nashville's nickname?   For what is the city best known? 
3.  What river flows through Nashville?
4.  How long is the river and through what states does it flow?