Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Thank you for all your notes about the baby.  Sydney is really cute and I will share your comments with her mom and dad.  They will be coming home sometime today from the hospital, so we will be adjusting to the new sounds of a baby in the house.

Supermarket Scramble:  I hope that all of you, or at least some of you, will participate in the Supermarket Scramble activity.  This is a great way for you all to learn about the cost of items that we eat everyday, and it is also a great way to put your math skills to work.  While shopping last week at the local grocery store, I was standing at the cheese case and display and a father was asking his two daughters some questions about the cost of buying two different cheeses.  They didn't know the answer or couldn't come up with the answer very fast.  His comment, "What do you do with the math they are teaching you in school? "  My questions to you, "How do you use the math you are learning in school?" 

BINKY, THE CAT:  As I thought, many of you liked the picture of Binky trying to drink water out of the toilet.  Binky was NOT in the toilet and no one threw her in there.  She was thirsty and just jumped up on the open toilet and walked herself into the toilet to drink some water.  Cats are very nimble so she was able to get part of her body into the toilet.  When done, she pushed herself up and out and down!  Maybe you have a cat or a friend who does.  Maybe your cat has done this before.  Ask a friend with a cat if their cat has been on the toilet drinking water.

It is hard to believe that it is November 1.  Just three weeks to Thanksgiving when you all get a couple of days off from school.   We will be arriving home the same time you all get our for your break!  

More to come.  Have a great day!

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