October 24, 2011
Find the distance from Middleburg, NC to Modesto, CA.  You should have already calculated this distance.
Answer the questions using the information below.
1.     How much money did we spend on gas traveling across the United  
2.     How many gallons of gas did we purchase?
3.     Figure out the miles per gallon. 
4.     Determine the average cost per gallon of gasoline.
5.     On which date did we spend the most money per gallon for gas?
6.     On which date did we spend the most money total?
7.     What state had the highest gas prices? 
8.     Which city had the highest gas prices?

DATE / CITY                               COST/GALLON   # GALLONS      TOTAL $$
10/17/2011-Farragut, TN             $ 3.259                   15.957               $ 52.00
10/18/2011-Jackson, TN             $ 3.259                   11.352               $ 37.00
10/18/2011-Alma, AR                  $ 3.399                   14.417               $ 49.00
10/19/2011-Shamrock, TX          $ 3.499                   15.719               $ 55.00
10/19/2011-Albequerque, NM     $ 3.159                   15.196               $ 48.00
10/20/2011-Seligman, AZ           $ 3.629                   14.329               $ 52.00
10/20/2011-Barstow, CA             $ 3.679                   13.318               $ 49.00
10/21/2011-Modesto, CA            $ 3.859                   12.308               $ 47.50

Thursday, October 20

1.  Determine the distance (miles) from Williams, AZ to Modesto,CA.
.  Based on the mileage, what percentage of the trip have we completed at the end of day 4?
4.  Once you figure the number of miles covered on Wednesday, and know that we traveled approximately 70 miles per hour, figure out how many hours it took us to travel from Williams to Modesto.
5.  Knowing the time we departed, what time approximately did we arrive in Modesto?

Wednesday, October 19

1.  Determine the distance (miles) from Erick, OK to Williams, AZ.
2.  How many miles do we still have to travel to arrive in Modesto?

3.  Based on the mileage, what percentage of the trip have we completed at the end of day 3?
4.  Once you figure the number of miles covered on Wednesday, and know that we traveled approximately 75 miles per hour, figure out how many hours it took us to travel from Erick to Williams.
5.  Knowing the time we departed, what time approximately did we arrive in Williams?

Tuesday, October 18

1.  Determine the distance (miles) from Jackson, TN to Erick, OK.
2.  How many miles do we still have to travel to arrive in Modesto?
3.  Based on the mileage, what percentage of the trip have we completed at the end of day 2?
4.  Once you figure the number of miles covered, and know that we traveled approximately 70 miles per hour, figure out how many hours it took us to travel from Jackson to Erick.
4A.  Knowing the time we departed, what time approximately did we arrive in Jackson.
5.  Knowing how many miles we covered on Monday, and know that we traveled approximately 65 miles per hour, figure out how many hours it took us to travel from Middleburg to Jackson. 
5A.  Knowing the time we departed, what time approximately did we arrive in Jackson.

Monday, Oct 17

1.  Determine the distance (miles) from Middleburg, NC to Modesto, CA. 
2.  Determine the distance (miles) from Middleburg, NC to Jackson, TN (our first stop). 
3.  How many miles do we still have to travel to arrive in Modesto?
4.  Based on the mileage, what percentage of the trip have we completed at the end of day 1?