Wednesday, November 9, 2011


And the awards go to the Winchester Mystery House and the baby.  All grades posting today were most interested in the House and Baby Sydney.  So in my effort to answer the 5th grade comments, here goes.

The Bridge and Fog:  to Destinee, Bryan and Taylor.  It can get very foggy around San Francisco and the fog often is what we call "very thick".  So thick, the bridge is often covered as are the surrounding hillsides.  So thick, you can't see.  So thick, it looks like smoke descending or an ocean wave rolling onto the beach.   I found a couple of pictures on the internet that show the thickness of the fog.   Thought I would show this one.   The fog is so thick, you can hardly see anything.   It is eerie! 

The Winchester Mystery House:  to Myieshia, james, Daevon, Kyree, Brianca, Chelsea, Roquon, Taylor, Shawn, Lidia and Anonymous.  First let me make something perfectly clear (and I have had to do this for all the classes today), I DO NOT live in this house.  This is what we call a tourist attraction, like a museum you visit.  I wouldn't want to live in that house.  It is waaaaayyyyy to big.  It might be fun for a couple of days, but I sure would not want to clean the place, not 160 rooms.  Somehow, I doubt any of you would want to clean it either!

Yes I did go in the house on a tour.  It was fun to visit, very interesting, actually very cool to see.  The design of the house is very strange, but it is made with the finest quality materials, especailly considering the time in which it was built, the late 1800s and early 1900s.  Go look up Tiffany stain glass.  Very expensive.  There is a lot of Tiffany glass in this house. 

I didn't see any ghosts and I wasn't scared.  They say that strange things go on in the house - rocking chairs move, footsteps are sometimes heard, doors close on their own -  but I did not see or hear anything strange.

Baby Sydney:  to Brianca, Makayla, Daiyana and Taylor.  Jamie, Sydney's mom says thank you for all your nice comments about the baby.  We think she is pretty and very special.  The baby is doing well and is being spoiled by everyone here.  She spends a lot of time sleeping, eating and demanding that her diaper be changed.

Fisherman's Wharf/Pier 39:  to Taylor.  There are lots of sea lions around Fisherman's Wharf down below the piers.  They are pretty and funny to watch; however, they can be dangerous too, so you don't get too close.  Pier 39 is a fun place to visit with lots to see and do.  The Carousel is really quite exquisite.  It is covered in paintings of the different landscapes of the San Francisco Bay Area.  There are hundreds of lights that shine all the time.  It's fun to ride, even for adults.

The Earthquakes:  to Shawn.  I didn't feel the earthquake here.  It registered very small on the Richter scale.  Since California is on a major fault, they say that California is due for another big earthquake someday.  I don't want to live here for that very reason!!  I don't want to be anywhere close to a BIG earthquake!

Junior Lying In-wait for the Dogs
 Binkey, the cat:  to Bryan.  Binkey, like most cats, is very inquisitive.  Cats are good for a laugh if you watch them long enough.  Junior, the other cat, is fun to watch with the dogs.  She prowls around the house and when they are not looking, she runs at them and then stops, puts her back up, and sometimes hisses.  The poor dogs don't know what to do.  She attacks the patio door when the dogs are on the other side of the door.  Poor dogs just run or they try and hid when she stalks them in the house!

Hello back to all of you, especially Myieshia and Giselle who sent a simple "hello". 

Tomorrow I will post on Monterey and Carmel.  See you all soon. Take care. 


Anonymous said...

Taylor Henrich 5 grade

your welcome

how is the baby doing
how old is she
she looks so cute in that picture
come back soon miss solmon we miss u very much

Anonymous said...

Taylor henrich 5 grade
how is tyhe cat liking the new baby

Anonymous said...

I love the baby it look better than me already. You have a wonderful baby. I hope you come home soon and be safe.

Love Brittney Kersey 5th grade

Anonymous said...

Giselle Escamilla 5th Grade
Did you go on the bridge and fog and was the bridge nice and pretty?

Anonymous said...

Destinee-5th grade,AWWWWshe is so cute.How is she?How old is the baby?I wish i could see her in person.


Anonymous said...

Myieshia Durham-5th Grade
did you go through the fog an see the castle?

Anonymous said...

Destinee-5th grade.Was it really smoke?

Anonymous said...

Tar'Naja Thorpe and Shania Johns-5th grade

Did you go into the castle?

Anonymous said...

shawn how is the baby

Anonymous said...

thank for texting me back because i really want to know about the baby is the baby doing fine how old is the baby the baby got some nice picturei hope you come home safe did you have fun vistis your family i going to see me daddy after thankgiving did you go in the castle my birthday was november7,1999 i am 12 year i sorry for the earthquake love Makaylaowens-5th grade

Anonymous said...

i am so glad you coming back is the bay ever coming to nc i really want to see it like face to face

Anonymous said...

i am so glad you coming back is the bay ever coming to nc i really want to see it like face to face

Anonymous said...

thank you for evreything love symaj

Anonymous said...

Thankyou for the picture.3grade Ms.bowen ahbria.

Allie Pulley said...

Allie Pulley 4th grade
Your cat is so cute!!!!!

Anonymous said...

xavion from 4th grade
thank you i apppreciate your hard work in how you made this blog for us to look at and enjoy.