Thursday, October 27, 2011

POKES AND POSTS - Mrs. Bowen's Class

Pumpkins and More – Javonte,  Jaquaveon, Ahbria, Xiaver, Alyssia, Tyler

Good morning to you, or almost afternoon your time.   It is 8:51 in the morning here.  Thank you for your questions. 

I like the sad pumpkin too Javonte.  We are going to have to carve some more pumpkins because it has been so hot here and the pumpkins are get mushy inside.  Too much heat!  We need cold air for them to last longer.  Xavier, we went on the internet and found free pumpkin carving patterns.   Then we enlarged it to fit the size of the pumpkin, traced it on, and then carved it.  If you have the internet at home, you might be able to find some free patterns too.  Alyssia, I’m glad that you like the pumpkins.  I cannot send you one, it would not last in the mail.  2,800 miles is a long way to send a pumpkin.  I think you will have to look for one around home.

Ahbria, Javonte, Tyler, and Xavier, to answer your questions about California – we did see some animals in the desert but not many.  We saw some sheep, cows and a goat or two.  Not many though.  We also saw some small animals that look like deer.  We were driving so fast though, that I couldn’t get the best look.  As to what I like most about California so far, I think it would be the scenery.  Orchards and the mountains.  We drove cross country in four (4) days.  We drove approximately 10-14 hours each day to arrive in that time. 

I have to go to an appointment now.  I will answer the rest of the classes questions when I return. 

Hope you are having a good day in school.  Please tell Mrs. Bowen hello from me and Ms. Virginia.

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