Sunday, October 16, 2011


Well, time has run out.  Tomorrow is the big day. Today we picked up our rental car-a Chrsyler Town & Country van. It's pretty cool; seems to have all the bells and whistles except an overhead DVD player.  We have a DVD player in the dashboard, but once the car starts or is put in drive, you only get audio, NO picture!  That's probably a pretty smart decision.  We don't want the driver distracted!  We do have a back-up camera which is a nice touch. 

Looks like we will get an earlier start than planned.  Now expect to leave at 8:00 A.M. instead of 10:00.  Once we get on the road tomorrow, I will have to activate my mobile broadband stick so I can access the Internet and write to you while we are driving.  I will do my best to check the website a couple of times a day and will definitely check and update the blog each evening when we stop and settle down for the night.  I look forward to hearing from you. 

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