Monday, October 17, 2011


Well we are all in the van, Grandma (Ms. Virginia), Mr. Bruce (who is the lead driver), Scrounge and Buddy (the dogs) and Me (Ms. Kathy or Ms. S.)  We departed our driveway around 8:04 this morning.  The van is packed and we look like a bunch of traveling gypsies.  The sun is shining, sky is a mix of blue with white, whispy clouds.  Can you identify the type of clouds in the picture?
What kind of clouds are these?

As we travel west, the leaves are becoming a mix of color.  Still mostly green, but we are beginning to see shades of yellow, orange and a little red.  By the time we come back from CA, all the leaves will probably be off the trees.

We are currently heading west on I-40.  We will actually follow I-40 across the entire United States until we reach Bakersfield, CA.  We will then head north to Modesto.  We were told there was a California - 3000 miles sign on the highway once we reached I-40, but we never saw it. 

I'm playing the license plate game - attempting to see how many license plates I can find as we drive.  I challenge you to see how many different state license plates you can find as you are out and about and make a list of them.  I will post my list on a games page, see if any of them are the same as the ones on your list.  Take a look at the lists and locate each state on a map of the United States. 

I will be posting more throughout the day and tonight and will add some pictures. 

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